Thursday, September 27, 2007


i'll tell you how soccer has been going since the last time i told you. the junior high team hasn't been doing well at all. the j.v. team (which i'm on) has been winning, except one game which we lost, and the other one where it was 0-0. it's just to bad that they don't count the j.v. well, the varsity has been doing really bad. they haven't won once yet. the last game we played against benion, they got killed like fifteen to zero. rec, well we haven't been doing so well either. i haven't played for the last two weeks because of my finger and the play. but it doesn't matter, because my team hasn't won. but my rec teams never win. i always get put on bad teams. so that's what's been going on with soccer.


Dance started a couple of weeks ago. i have ashley as my teacher. she's pretty tough and makes us stretch a lot. but she's a good teacher, and i've learned from her. For our Christmas concert, we're doing it at the studio, and she's teaching us three dances about a minute long each. we've only been to dance three or four times, but she's already taught us the first dance. i don't even know any of it pretty much. she finished teaching it to us, and now, she started teaching us the second dance!! it's so confusing because i don't know any of the dances. dance is still fun though and ashley helps a lot. she'll help a lot to help me to make the dance company at the junior high. so that's what's going on with dance.