Thursday, July 31, 2008


i know i haven't written anything for a while.... sorry guys, but i'm writing now!!!!! so about 4 weeks ago i started jazz attitude. you know what i thought was really funny? Everybody told me that it would be absolutely TERRIBLE but the first day i went, i didn't think that it was that bad...... well except for the running part of course. the worst part about the running though, is that we run up this road, and it seems like we'll NEVER reach the top, it's like a never ending road, but when we get back it feels so good. i am proud to announce that conditioning has gotten me a little more flexible, and i can't wait to start technique class next week. tomorrow i'll find out what team i made, so i'll put up a post tomorrow about what team i made! also starting next week is dance co, and i am way excited. it is every day from 8:00 until 12:00 plus with jazz attitude on top of it twice a week for a hour a half each time. i figured it out, and in two weeks, i will be doing 36 hours of dancing!! i can't wait!!!

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